"Kansakunnan vapaus ei ole sitä, että säätyjen valtuutetut saavat toimia mielivaltaisesti, vaan sitä, että kansakunnan valistuneisuus sitoo heidän kätensä niin, että he eivät ryhdy omavaltaisiksi."

Nordic Democracy Day 1.12.2023

Julkaistu: 06.11.2023

Hanaholmen, Espoo | 1.12.2023 10:00 - 15:30

Challenges For Democracy in the Nordics – Future Perspectives

Hanaholmen´s annual Nordic Democracy Day will focus on the current challenges concerning freedom of expression and democracy. The media landscape is constantly changing, and so is the situation for individuals who are becoming increasingly dependent on the international digital giants.

Among the many distinguished speakers we note the editors-in-chief of four large Nordic newspapers and the Chair of the Nordic think tank for tech and democracy.


9.30 A cup of coffee


Future Perspectives, Democracy and Freedom of Expression

Hanaholmen – Sweden and Finland Working for Democracy
Gunvor Kronman, CEO, Hanaholmen
News Flash: FOE and Press Freedom in the Nordics vs Europe
Anne Leppäjärvi, Chairperson, IPI Finland
The Disinformation Landscape Re-Shaped – What About Generic AI?
Carl Gustav Lindén, Professor, University of Bergen
What Do Citizens Trust in the Nordics
Facts from an on-going NORDIS-DECA research project
Minna Aslama-Horowitz, researcher
The Nordic Observatory for Digital Media and Information Disorder (NORDIS)
The Anders Chydenius Prize 2023
Björn Vikström, Chair, the Anders Chydenius Foundation

11.30 Lunch (20 €, paid in advance)

12.30 Panel of Editors-In-Chief: Technology, Media and the Future
Trine Eilertsen, Aftenposten (Norway)
Christofer Ahlqvist, Göteborgs-Posten (Sweden)
Erja Yläjärvi, Helsingin Sanomat (Finland)
Christian Jensen, Politiken (Denmark)
Moderator: Kaius Niemi, Director, Growth and Technology, Miltton Group

Nordic Co-operation for Digital Democracy

How To Add Democratic Control on The Big Tech Platforms
About the visions and recommendations in the report” A Nordic approach to democratic debate in the age of Big Tech”, April 2023

Tobias Bornakke, Chair, Nordic Think tank for Tech and Democracy (via link)
Comment: How to defend and renew democracy in the age of emerging technologies?
Jukka Vahti, Project Director, Digital power and democracy, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra
Final Remarks: My Responsibility as a Citizen
Björn Vikström, Chair, the Anders Chydenius Foundation
15.00 End of seminar. Nordic Democracy Drinks provided by Sitra.

In cooperation with: Anders Chydenius Foundation, Sitra and the NORDIS/DECA network.

Language: English

The event is free of charge. Please, register no later than the 25th of November 2023.

For more information, please contact: Project Manager Henrik Huldén, henrik.hulden(at)hanaholmen.fi

Register here:



Anders Chydenius

Anders Chydeniuksen kootut teokset

Tutustu Anders Chydeniuksen (1729–1803) koko kirjalliseen tuotantoon. Aineisto on luettavissa alkukielellä, suomennoksena ja osin englanniksi.

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