"The liberty of a nation is preserved not only by the laws but by public information and knowledge as to how they are being administered."


1 joulukuu 2023

The Chydenius Medal to journalist Anna-Lena Laurén for her unwavering work as an information disseminator

Journalist Anna-Lena Laurén is awarded the Anders Chydenius Medal 2023 for her courageous, unwavering and tireless work in which she has built bridges for a reliable flow of information between Russia and the Nordic countries.
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20 lokakuu 2022

Nordic Democracy Day – Digitalization and Democracy

On Friday 2 December at 13.00-16.00, you are invited to the Nordic Democracy Day to discuss the topic of "Digitalization and Democracy".
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2 joulukuu 2021

Chydenius Medal for the Nordic Democracy Network EDMO NORDIS defending democracy

- Today on the 2nd of December, we are celebrating the 255th anniversary of the Nordic principle of publicity, since the Freedom of the Press Act introduced by Anders Chydenius entered into force on 2 December 1766. In connection of Freedom of Information seminars, the Chydenius Medal has often been awarded ‘in recognition of internationally significant work for the principles of transparency in the spirit of Chydenius’, said Björn Vikström, Chairman of the Board of the Anders Chydenius Foundation.
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23 marraskuu 2021

Democracy Network 21 engaged in launching IDEA’s Global State of Democracy Report 2021

Democracy Network 21 (Demokratinätverk 21) has cooperated with International IDEA in promoting discussion on state of democracy during pandemic. Due to this cooperation, the DN21 was a partner in launching IDEA’s Global State of Democracy Report 2021. The event was co-hosted by the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union.
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16 marraskuu 2021

Nordic Democracy day

Online | 2.12.2021 13:00 - 15:00
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9 maaliskuu 2021

Thriving Democracy - EU Action and Partnerships to Sustain Democracy

When: Thursday, 18 March 2021 at 14.00-15.30 CET
Where: online Webex platform
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7 joulukuu 2020

Chydenius Foundation co-founder of Democracy Network 21

Democracy is being challenged by globalization, digitalization and the ongoing COVID-19-pandemic. This is why the Anders Chydenius Foundation is today launching a new network on democracy in co-operation with the Hanaholmen Cultural Centre for Sweden and Finland, Åland Islands Peace Institute and Lund University.
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21 elokuu 2020

A report concerning democracy made by the representative, ombudsman, of the Chydenius-foundation has been given to the Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality

On Friday the 21: Th of august the Anders Chydenius foundation took the initiative to further the democratic intercourse in co-operation with Hanaholmen, the cultural centre for Sweden and Finland. The report “Demokratia osana kestävää kehitystä – aloite pohjoismaisen demokratiakeskustelun edistämiseksi”, written by Mr Juha Mustonen, ombudsman, representative, of the Anders Chydenius-foundation, was also published on Friday in both Finnish and Swedish.
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8 maaliskuu 2020

Björn Vikström to preside the Board of the Foundation

Anders Chydenius Foundation at its annual meeting (8 March) elected a
new chairman for its Board. Now the Chairman is Björn Vikström from Åbo
Akademi University: he has previously served as the bishop for the
Diocese of Porvoo in evangelical lutheran church in Finland. The former
rector of the University of Jyväskylä Aino Sallinen was elected as the
vice chairperson for the Board.
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3 joulukuu 2018

Chydenius Medal 2018 granted to Faktabaari

The 2018 Chydenius Medal was granted to Faktabaari - run by transparency NGO Avoin yhteiskunta ry (Open Society association, Finland) - to mark the outstanding performance on international level in promotion of the principles of openness, cherished by Anders Chydenius, the initiator of the world’s first Freedom of Information Act (1766).
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10 maaliskuu 2017

Erkki Liikanen to preside the Board of the Foundation

Anders Chydenius Foundation at its annual meeting (28 February) elected a new chairman for its Board. Now the Chairman is the Governor of the Bank of Finland Erkki Liikanen, the former EU Commissioner from Finland.
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26 syyskuu 2016

Exhibition on the 250th Anniversary of the Freedom of the Press Act

On the occasion of the first celebration of the International Day for the Universal Access to Information, the Permanent Delegations of Sweden and Finland jointly organize at UNESCO Headquarters an exhibition to commemorate the 250th Anniversary of the Freedom of the Press Act passed in 1766.
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1 toukokuu 2016

Anders Chydenius on the Freedom of Information

Read the original documents! Here you can find three documents written by Chydenius in 1765-66, concerning the freedom of the press and freedom of information. Each document is followed by a commentary written by Professor Lars Magnusson.
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29 huhtikuu 2016

The great Finnish envoy for freedom of speech gets his own comic

No well-known publication has been made about the central ideas of Anders Chydenius (1729-1803), a politician from the Finnish town of Kokkola. The comic “Last Words – The Return of Anders Chydenius” addresses this lack and brings forth Chydenius’ role as a leading advocate for freedom of speech and personal freedom in the 18th century.
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4 joulukuu 2015

The Chydenius Medal was awarded to UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova

The Chydenius Medal was granted to the UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova to mark the outstanding performance on international level in promotion of the principles of openness, cherished by Anders Chydenius, the initiator of the world’s first Freedom of Information Act (1766).
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4 joulukuu 2015

Avoimuuskolumni: Anders Chydenius - vapauden apostoli

250-juhlavuoden verkkosivulla julkaistaan kuukausittain 'Avoimuuskolumni', jossa käsitellään painovapauden taustaa tai tulevaisuutta, Suomessa tai maailmalla. Sarjan aloittaa Pertti Hyttisen ja Juha Mustosen kolumni 'vapauden apostolista' eli Anders Chydeniuksesta.
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3 joulukuu 2015

Greeting from the President of the Republic of Finland

President Sauli Niinistö is the Patron of the 250th Anniversary of the Nordic Principle of Publicity. In his welcoming statement he invites Finns to discuss the legacy of Anders Chydenius – as well as what openness and the freedom of speech and of the press mean to us.
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2 joulukuu 2015

Suurlähettiläs: Oikeus hankkia tietoa kuuluu ihmisoikeuksiin

Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvostossa pohjoismaisen julkisuusperiaatteen edistäminen on osa ohjelmaa Suomen puheenjohtajuuskaudella vuonna 2016. Kysyimme ulkoasiainministeriön ihmisoikeus- ja demokratiasuurlähettiläältä, mitä Suomi tekee käytännössä.
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2 joulukuu 2015

Helsingin Sanomat Foundation

The Helsingin Sanomat Foundation is a public non-profit organisation that promotes the future success of Finnish media, particularly newspapers. For this purpose, the Foundation awards grants for communications research and education as well as maintains the Päivälehti Archives and the Päivälehti Museum.
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1 joulukuu 2015

Anders Chydenius Foundation

The purpose of the Anders Chydenius Foundation is to promote discussion on the liberalisation of the economy and its consequences in the light of the ideas and tradition of Anders Chydenius, to support academic research on the topic and to influence decisions in the field by emphasising ethical values.
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30 marraskuu 2015

Maailman ensimmäisen julkisuuslain 250-juhlavuosi alkaa

Painovapauden 250-vuotisjuhlavuoden avauksessa 4. joulukuuta klo 14-16 Päivälehden museolla kuullaan juhlavuoden suojelijan Tasavallan Presidentti Sauli Niinistön tervehdys. Eduskunnan puhemies Maria Lohela ja opetus- ja kulttuuriministeri Sanni Grahn-Laasonen ovat mukana käynnistämässä juhlavuotta, jota vietetään teemalla "Oikeus tietää - oikeus sanoa".
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29 marraskuu 2015

UNESCO Press Freedom conference in Helsinki in 2016

On World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) on the 3 May 2016, UNESCO wants to put a spot light on the importance of freedom of information (FOI) and the need to create a culture of openness and transparency. The global thematic of the WPFD 2016 is “This Is Your Right! Access to Information and Fundamental Freedoms.”
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Anders Chydenius

Anders Chydenius Selected Works

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